Clark Dill

Narrative Descriptions

Character Concept

Clark is the illegally adopted son of a delusional man who believes absolutely that he found a half-alien toddler left on his doorstep. Consequently, Clark also believes he's a half-alien.

Physical Description

Clark is a tall blond young man. He is fairly good looking and reasonably athletic as he has been a star Seeker for many years. He has an unfortunate predisposition toward sweater vests, however, which tend to make him look less attractive than he otherwise might.

Personality and Mindset

Clark was raised by a brilliant (if delusional) scientist and he values intelligence and learning and research above all things. He's been raised in geek culture and understands the lingo, but he does possess social skills. He dreams of becoming a science teacher, but is still undecided whether he wants to go into General Science for younger students, or become a more specialized college professor.


He was born in Estonia, to a couple of Estonia magic users, who soon thereafter emigrated to California. They were living in the same storage unit block as Zack Dill long enough to realize their graduate student neighbor was also a wizard, so when Immigration caught up to them, they left their son with the American Wizard who they hoped would be able to give him a better life. The one brief conversation between the mother and Zack had involved the word 'alien' (and other miscommunications) and Zack had an obsession with the sort that came from outer space so he didn't even consider the more mundane definition when he found the boy left at his unit only days later. Clearly the woman had found his conspiracy theory website and left her half-alien baby with someone who understood the dangers the innocent boy might face. . .
Character Details
Played by Kristy
Generic Character
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I know every mile will be worth my while.