Narrative Descriptions
Character Concept
Tengu Rogue Juggler
Rook started life as an egg. He eventually hatched, and outside the shell, he found his flock. His favorite person in the flock - other than Mama - was his sibling. He had a few siblings in his flock, actually, but this one was the one he was closest to. They hatched the same season, and got into all kinds of misadventures together. When they got older, Sibling studied alchemy, and Rook took to street performing. He liked juggling the best, but he also had some slight of hand tricks. And when the people didn't toss enough coin for his juggling, he supplemented their 'generosity' with his most, ah, lucrative slight of hand trick.
When he crossed paths with a circus, it wasn't a big leap to join up with them. Unfortunately, there were some problems with the Celestial Menagerie, and one time when he got hurt due to inadequate safety precautions, he had to call in his Sibling who knew how to make healing elixirs. And they never wound up leaving because he wasn't the only one there who needed them.
And then there was a circus coup and things got better, but by then he gotten used to having Sibling around and there were always going to be injuries whenever people made a living by swallowing swords, throwing knives at each other, juggling fire, and flying about in mid-air. A good churgeon was an excellent person to have on call.
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